Thursday, October 25, 2007

Enlightenment at the Turn of A Modern Century: Cultural Reform and Educational Transformation (1895-1949)

Enlightenment at the Turn of A Modern Century:
Cultural Reform and Educational Transformation (1895-1949)

An International Symposium
October 26, 2007
The Common Room, 2 Divinity Avenue, Harvard University

Opening Remarks: 9:20-9:30

Panel 1: 9:30-10:50 Moderator: Patrick Hanan (Harvard University)

從文化到民族的中國認同:清朝末年的新學制與中國歷史教科書 (Turning Culture into Nation: The New Schools and Chinese History Textbooks in the Late Qing)
Peter Zarrow
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

(Knowledge Structure and Means of Narrative and Interpretation: Two Late Qing Journals on Children’s Education)
梅家玲Chia-ling Mei
Department of Chinese Literature / Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University

Daxue and Taixue: What is a Chinese University? Culture and Learning in the Republic
Fabio Lanza
The University of Arizona/The Fairbank Center of Harvard University

Panel 2: 11:10-12:30 Moderator: Ellen B. Widmer (Wellesley College)

商務印書館的醫學知識普及活動 (Commercial Press’s Activities in Popularizing of Medical Knowledge – Focusing on Women’s Magazine (1915-1931)
張哲嘉 Chang Che-chia
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

文壇與杏壇──由雜誌資料看兩位民初女性的文學與教育志業(The Two Faces of Early Twentieth-Century Literary Women)
胡曉真Siao-chen Hu
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica

世變中的音樂教育與婦女──家國昇華與陰性終止 (Women and Music Education During A Transitional Period: Nation Ennoblement and Feminine Cadence)
沈冬Tung Shen
International Affairs Office/ Graduate Institute of Musicology, National Taiwan University

Luncheon 12:30-2:00

Panel 3: 2:00-3:20 Moderator: Xueping Zhong (Tufts University)

Imagined Readers: Apostrophe and Cultural Formation
Alexander Des Forges
The University of Massachusetts, Boston

The Plot of Enlightenment: Early Modern Chinese Bildungsroman
Mingwei Song
Wellesley College

“Peasant Enlightenment” in Early Modern China
Enhua Zhang
The University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Panel 4: 3:40-5:20 Moderator: Michael Szonyi (Harvard University)

十九世紀後期台灣的知識建構與歷史書寫初探 (From Different Shores: Knowledge Formation and History Making in Late Nineteenth-century Taiwan)
張隆志 Lung-chih Chang
Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica

Gateway and Barricade: The Ambiguous Place of Japan in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese/Taiwanese Cultural Construction
Karen Thornber
Harvard University

二十世紀初期的「西洋」:《漢文臺灣日日新報》通俗小說中的文化地景、敘事倫理與知識想像 (The West at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century:
Cultural Landscape, Narrative Ethics and Knowledge Imagination in Popular Fictions in “Hanwen Taiwan Zi Zi Xin Pao”)
黃美娥Huang Mei-E
Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature, Nation Taiwan University

Writing Sounds and Reading Voices: Subtexts of Enlightenment, Revivalism, and Invention in the 1930s Taiwan Literary Movement
Chien-hsin Tsai
Harvard University

Conclusion Remarks: 5:20-5:30

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