Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 新年元宵聚餐

HTROCSC 今年選擇在二月七日星期六晚上舉辦元宵大餐。
除了許多 homemade 年菜之外,Year End Party時廣受好評的小湯圓紅豆湯將會再次登場。希望大家能夠撥空參加,跟我們一起慶祝新的一年。

時間:2009.02.07 6:00 pm
地點:Conant Lounge (1st floor) ( 36 Oxford St.)
費用:免費. (感謝GSAS學生宿舍借場地給我們,這次的活動免費讓所有人參加)

佘孟儒 敬上

發糕食譜 ( 7 ~8 個 Cupcake大小)
麵粉 3/4 杯
糯米粉 1/4杯 (沒有的話用麵粉代替也行,只是蒸出來不會黏)
太白粉 (corn starch) 1/4杯
泡打粉 (baking powder) 1大匙
黑糖 1/2 杯
水 250 CC. (1 杯)

將所有材料拌勻,襯有鋁箔的baking cup紙模子裝7分滿。(如果沒有趁鋁箔,紙模子蒸了就塌掉了)。大火蒸10分鐘,悶5分鐘即可。中間不要開鍋蓋。(用電鍋就可以做了,不過要記得先讓水滾,才容易"發")

Hi Everyone,
Happy New Year!
HTROCSC is holding a Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday, February 7th. (Two days before Lantern Festival). There will be a lot of homemade food as well as some surprises. Hope everyone can come and celebrate with us.

Time: 6 pm, Feb. 7, 2009
Location: Conant Hall, 1st floor lounge. (36 Oxford St.)
Thanks to GSAS housing for lending us the lounge. This event will be free of charge.

Below is an easy recipe for brown sugar steam cupcake (Fa-Gao). Wish everyone a happy lunar new year!
Renee Sher

Brown sugar steam cup cake (Make cupcake size 7~ 8)
All purpose flour 3/4 cup
Sticky rice flour (Mochi flour) 1/4 cup (can substitute with all purpose flour, but the texture will be slightly different)
corn starch 1/4 cup
baking powder 1 Table spoon
brown sugar 1/2 cup
water 250 CC. (1 cup)

Mix all the ingredients. Fill up baking cup to 70%. (Remember to use foil baking cup instead of paper, since paper baking cups collapse when steamed) After steamer's water is boiled, steam 10 minutes. Without opening the lid in between, let the cupcakes sit for 5 minutes.

Monday, January 19, 2009

轉錄:ROCSA Chinese New Year Dinner (RSVP by 1/24)

Dear ROCSA Members:


6-8 PM 享用晚餐
8-10 PM 新年遊樂場
10-10:30 PM 頒獎 and 清理場地

SP Multi-purpose Room

ROCSA Member: $5
Non-ROCSA Member: $10

1. 參加者每人將有相同數量的籌碼來進行遊戲
2. 遊戲種類包括 麻將、撲克牌以及Board game,並以籌碼作為賭注
3. 各遊戲之勝負規則將於活動當天公佈
4. 預計在晚間十點結束所有遊戲,並且統計籌碼
5. 籌碼最多的人即為贏家。前三名者將可獲得 超高額Amazon gift card 或精美獎品

See you there ~!
Your ROCSA officers


為了能讓異鄉的學子們感受農曆新年與元宵節的氣氛,新英格蘭台灣同學聯合會(FTSANE)將在大年初五晚上(1/30) 舉辦溫馨、熱鬧的新春團圓晚會。節目精采、獎品豐富,除了猜燈謎有精美小禮物外,還有機會抽中SONY PSP唷! 千萬別錯過這「唔甲夠唔抓」的好康機會!!

內容: 自助式餐飲+燈謎抽獎活動+團團圓圓吃湯圓
時間: 2009年01月30日 (星期五) 晚上 06:00~09:30
地點(暫定):70 Pacific St,Cambridge,MA 02139 (MIT Sidney Pacific Multipurpose room) About 10 Mins walk from Central Station 請參考Google map (與去年中秋烤肉的地點相同)
票價: RSVP 者US$15; 未RSVP者 US$18
報名方式:預約報名者請來信 信中請註明報名人數,中文姓名, 英文姓名,所屬學校或單位以及聯絡電話
報名截止日期為 1月23號(星期五) Midnight

18:00~20:00供餐時間 (20:00後將清理場地以便進行下一個活動)

主辦單位: 新英格蘭台灣同學聯合會(FTSANE)
協辦單位: Boston University TSA/ Harvard Taiwan ROC Student Club/ NEC TSA/ MIT ROCSA/ North Eastern University/ Tufts University TSA/ UMass Boston TSA/ UMass Lowell TSCA/

活動連絡人: 陳會長俞文 Yu-Wen Chen 310-940-1010
若有任何疑問歡迎來信 謝謝~

Sunday, December 7, 2008

2009 Dudley House Intersession Ski Trips

一年一度的Dudley House Intersession Ski Trip又要來了! 整整三天三夜的活動,絕對值回票價!
下禮拜二開始sign up,因為"極端熱門",所以請有興趣的朋友備妥sign-up sheet跟fee,於早上九點到Dudley House三樓排隊唷!
2009 Dudley House Intersession Ski Trips

What: Dudley's annual Intersession Ski Trip! This year we are running two independent trips to Sugarloaf. In order to maximize the number of Dudley House members who can go on a trip, you may only sign up for 1 trip.

When: The first trip will leave on Wednesday, January 21st, and return to Harvard Square after a full day of skiing on Saturday, January 24th. The second trip will leave on Saturday, January 24th, and return on Tuesday, January 27th. Each trip includes 3 nights of lodging and 3 days of skiing.

How much: $325 base price includes 3 nights lodging, lift ticket for 3 days skiing, 3 dinners, 3 breakfasts, 3 90-minute lessons, and transportation via deluxe motorcoach!

Where: We will be staying at the Sugarloaf condos. Our condo includes a common room and indoor pool. We will be a short walk or shuttle ride away from the slopes, as well as several restaurants and pubs. Additionally, we will have free access to the sports and fitness center, which has hot tubs and saunas.

Who: Dudley House members ($325 base price), each of whom may bring one guest ($350 base price). Complete beginner to advanced, skiers and snowboarders are all welcome! Lessons available.

How: Sign-up begins Tuesday, December 9th. Bring a $175 deposit (cash or check) and the appropriate sign-up sheet (Trip 1, Jan. 21-24, or Trip 2, Jan. 24-27) filled out beforehand and one per participant, to the House Office on the third floor of Dudley House. This trip sells out fast, so come on Tuesday to reserve your spot!

Why: This is an amazing chance to ski the largest ski area in Maine for a fraction of the normal price. Take a break after finals and hit the slopes! If you have never skied before, this is a great opportunity to learn.

For all the pricing details, see the sign-up sheet (Trip 1, Jan. 21-24, or Trip 2, Jan. 24-27).

Sign-up Procedure:

Please sign up in the House Office (3rd Floor of Dudley House) in person with Harvard ID, sign-up sheet and waiver, filled out beforehand, and $175 deposit (cash or check).

This outing is restricted to Dudley House members (all GSAS students and Dudley affiliated undergraduates), each of whom may bring one guest. Students from other schools are Dudley House members only if they live in the GSAS residence halls and are on the Dudley meal plan.

Attention DMS students: Due to the popularity of the ski trip, you are unable to sign up via telephone (as you can for most outings). If you wish to sign up for the trip, you must follow the procedure for all other GSAS students (see above).

E-mail Tina at tinalin@fas with any questions.

Friday, November 28, 2008

2008 Dudley Winter Waltz

Saturday, December 6th, 2008
8:30-9:30 dance lesson, 9:30-12:30 dance
Dudley House Dining Hall

Once a year Dudley transforms itself into a winter wonderland and bathes itself in barely recognizable graduate students spinning and swirling away to the live ecstasy of the Dudley House Orchestra. It soaks them in champagne and cider, and sprinkles on some chocolate covered strawberries, cakes, and shrimp cocktail. A delightfully dizzy night for all!

Come dance, mingle, and relax at the Winter Waltz. 8:30-9:30 pick up some moves at the free waltz class, 9:30-12:30 dance to live music, or sit back and enjoy. Black tie optional (and encouraged). Tickets on sale Monday November 24 at the Dudley House Office (3rd floor Lehman Hall), $15 in advance, $20 at the door, provided there are any left. Open to Dudley House members and their guests. Age ID for alcohol. Questions? Email us at

Year-End Party

因為前一陣子幹部們都很忙碌,所以並沒有趕在感恩節前為大家舉辦聚餐。不過別擔心!今年的Year-end Party舉辦時間是12月6日星期六晚上6:30,於Peabody Terrace Common Room (Building 25)希望大家踴躍參加! (Peabody Terrace, MA)
會員免費,非會員$5。為了方便我們訂餐,請於下星期一(12/1) 之前,RSVP(email

When: December 6, 6:30 pm
Where: Peabody Terrace Common Room (Building 25)
How much: FREE for members! $5 otherwise!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Video Game Live! 難得的電玩饗宴!

這星期五晚上,Video Game Live將巡迴到Boston表演(暑假時也有到台灣表演喔!),各位電玩愛好者可別錯過! 想聽現場交響樂配合雷射,投影幕等各項演出的經典電玩音樂嗎? 想和各位電玩開發界的巨星們見面嗎? 這將是個難忘的回憶! 演奏會之前還有cosplay等電玩慶典喔!
我這邊有一兩張Balcony最前排的票,原價$65,在此特價$50! 現在好座位的票已經一票難求,希望有興趣的朋友能儘早跟我聯絡(最好是星期五中午之前),我在哈佛Cambridge主校區,email address:

When: Nov. 21, 8pm (festival starts at 7pm)
Where: Wang Theatre (Citi Performing Arts Center, 270 Tremont Street, Boston)
How much: $50 (discounted from $65)

Video Game Live


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

與監察委員葛永光喝下午茶--談台灣的司法 監察 以及政治發展

各位在波士頓的留學生以及朋友們大家好!台大政治系葛永光教授(現任監察委員)將於感恩節前夕來訪。MIT 同學會誠摯邀請大家一同享受愉快的下午茶,並與葛永光委員談談您對台灣政治發展以及最近一些重大司法案件的看法。

時間:08 年11 月26 日 3~4:30 PM
地點:MIT Room 5-217
MIT 校園地圖:

請搭乘地鐵紅線至Kendall/MIT 站後 按照地圖 步行至Room 5-217 (in Building 5, second floor)
搭乘地鐵紅線至Central SQ 站後 轉搭CT1 or CT2 公車至MIT stop (77 Massachusetts Avenue) 抵達MIT 校園主要入口(Building 7) 然後按照地圖 步行至Room 5-217 (in Building 5, second floor)

PS: 當天將有finale 蛋糕以及咖啡、熱巧克力等飲料免費供應,歡迎大家踴躍參加!

主辦單位: 麻省理工學院中華民國同學會 (MIT ROCSA)
協辦單位: 波士頓學院台灣同學會 (BCTSA)、波士頓大學台灣同學會 (BUTSA)、新英格蘭學聯 (FTSANE)、哈佛大學中華民國同學會 (HROCC)、哈佛大學台灣同學會 (HTSA) (以上按英文字母順序排列)
贊助單位:台北駐波士頓經濟文化辦事處 文化組 (Cultural Division of TECO Boston)

台灣大學政治系 葛永光教授
最高學歷: 美國威斯康辛大學政治學博士
專長: 政治學、比較政治、比較憲法與制度、政黨與選舉
中華民國現任監察委員 (任期:97.08.01~103.07.31)
外交部NGO 委員會諮詢委員

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chicago The Musical

幾個星期之前同學會有做音樂劇之旅的調查,意見相當一致:Chicago,但是回覆的同學並不多,所以同學會方面並不會親自主辦。不過別擔心!後來我持續向Dudley House outing fellow提供建議,所以:

December 9, 7:00 pm at Colonial Theatre
"This triumphant hit musical is the recipient of six Tony Awards®, two Olivier Awards, a Grammy® and thousands of standing ovations. If you’re looking for your first Broadway musical Chicago has everything you could want: knockout dancing, an edge-of-your-seat story and one showstopper after another." -NYTimes. Tickets are $28 (discounted from $44) and are for sale in the Dudley House Office starting Monday, November 17th. Each Dudley House member may bring one guest. Limited to 45. Contact Rachel Pepper (rpepper@fas) for more information

明天就開始賣票了,希望想去的朋友們明天可以儘早去Dudley House三樓的辦公室購買,熱門的音樂劇票也會相當搶手的!一張28元。因為Dudley House member各可以買兩張(我自己就要買兩張),所以不便來Cambridge主校區或是非Dudley House member(GSAS的同學都是)的同學可以請在這邊的朋友代為購買。

Sunday, November 9, 2008

紐英崙中華專業人員協會第三十一屆年會~不凡的人生 真實的故事~向無名英雄致敬

紐英崙中華專業人員協會第三十一屆年會 11/15/2008

Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University
(17 Oxford street, Cambridge, MA 02138)

~不凡的人生 真實的故事~

紐英崙中華專業人員協會將於十一月十五日假哈佛大學Jefferson Hall舉行第三十一屆年會, 今年大會的主題是 “不凡的人生, 真實的故事-向無名英雄致敬” 由享譽全球的神探李昌鈺博士將擔任大會貴賓. 應邀演講的嘉賓有台大醫院急診室奮不顧身照顧SARS病患的李建璋醫師和蔡居霖醫師, 他們在第一線冒著生命危險, 盡忠職守, 充分發揮救人為己志的醫師天責. 享譽中外名將孫立人功業彪炳的戰績早已經家喻戶曉, 但是他為了救助無依無靠五個小兵的長者風範卻鮮為人知, 他的養子揭鈞教授將遠從加拿大來和大家分享義父義子之情懷. 從一個事業有成的企業家到家財散盡, 妻離子散, 把一生的時間精力和財力奉獻在金三角, 這位向毒品挑戰, 不畏不懼的鍾儱徽執行長, 將與大家分享他在毒梟,游擊隊,政府軍和鴉片田裡2920天的心路歷程. 神祕的U-2 偵察機在冷戰期間為CIA到蘇俄和大陸收集原子彈的情報, 中華民國空軍在蔣經國主導下, 選派優秀飛行軍官擔任出生入死的機密任務. 葉常棣被中共飛彈擊落勞改19年後, 被當人球般流落到美國. 他可歌可泣的心酸史, 將在本會中第一次披露. 當時擔任黑貓中隊大隊長的楊世駒先生, 為了營救兩位被俘的葉常棣和張立義, 充分發揮人溺己溺的同胞愛, 楊世駒也將和大家分享這一段被埋沒的歷史.


8:30-9:30 報到

9:30-10:00 開幕式:
會 長-王世輝醫師

10:00-11:00 SARS臨床醫師之體驗-蔡居霖醫師,
主持人: 李小玉醫師:

11:00-12:30 Sharing My Life Experience李昌鈺博士
主持人: 譚嘉陵博士


主持人: 李西成教授

14:30-15:30 抗日名將 故孫立人將軍和小兵的故事-揭鈞教授
主持人: 滕永源教授

15:30-15:45 休息

15:45-16:45衣冠塚外的我 (一位黑貓中隊飛行員的自白)-葉常棣先生
主持人: 沈立威先生

16:45-17:45 從黑貓中隊講起 (U-2和CIA的祕聞)-楊世駒先生
主持人: 沈宗李先生

Online registration 線上註冊

Name (Chinese):
Name (English):
Email address (for confirmation):
Contact (cell) phone number:

Parking information and directions to Jefferson Hall

*Parking garage at 52 Oxford Street: $5 per day
A permit is required. You need to purchase the permit online:

Department :Harvard Real Estate-Resident
Department code: 9012

52 Oxford St garage has 75 spots and you can only purchase a permit within 2 weeks of the date of our event. The permits get sold out quickly so you are encouraged to buy the permits on 11/1.
Street parking is good for 2 hours only.

*Jefferson Hall (Jefferson Physical Laboratory)
From parking garage:
Turn left onto Oxford Street and pass “University Museum” on your left. You will see a modern building with a lot of glasses on your right
McKay Laboratory of applied science. Turn right and go through the throughway.

From Harvard Yard:
Pass the left side of Science Center (it is your left when you are facing the building) and then pass the Music Building.