Saturday, June 30, 2007




1. Boston市中心紅線Downtown Crossing站附近有多家百貨公司可供選擇。

2. Filene's Basement販賣的商品大多是過季或是零碼品,雖然種類繁多、價格超級便宜,但最好花點時間仔細挑選,以免買到瑕疵品。Filene's Basement在Watertown Arsenal Mall(485 Arsenal St., Watertown, MA 02472,從Harvard Square搭乘公車或騎腳踏車二十分鐘可到)以及Boston Back Bay(487 Boylston St., Boston , MA 02116)都有分店,只是比較小一點。

3. Cambridgeside Galleria也有多家百貨公司與連鎖服飾專賣店。Prudential Center是一個是比較高檔的購物中心,裡面有多家精品店,可搭乘捷運綠線到Prudential站下車。Copley Place是距離Prudential Center不遠的更高檔購物中心,在捷運綠線Copley站下車可達。那附近的Newbury Strret是波士頓最有名的精品一條街,有多家國際級的精品旗艦店。

4. Wrentham Village PRemium Outlets是Boston地區附近最著名的暢貨中心,離Cambridge車程約40至50分鐘。這裡有許多國際知名精品與常民品牌的專賣大折扣店,舉凡衣物、行李箱、食品、家飾、珠寶、電器,……等等,應有盡有。購買前除謹慎考量個人需求外,挑選時也要注意避免買到瑕疵品。有機會來此地血拼前,記得攜帶學生證,可至客服櫃台索取折扣券本。每季都有不同的外加折扣促銷活動。感恩節第二天黑色星期五的血拼人潮最為驚人(因為有些店會提供當天中午前的額外折扣特價),最好在早上十點以前停好車,以免無車位之苦。對於預算有限的男士而言,可以考慮在黑色星期五當天買足未來一年的衣服、鞋子等等所需。

1. 因為身處會遭遇寒冬的新英格蘭,因此本地購買大衣、雪衣、雪鞋的選擇眾多且價格較為便宜。而且第一趟來Cambridge/Boston安頓時,通常行李會裝得滿滿,不需要再讓這些厚重的衣物佔據寶貴的行李重量與空間。

2. 因為冬天常有寒風凜冽,買大衣或雪衣的時候,最好預備一件長度及膝的,以保持腿部溫暖。同時,可以遮蓋耳朵的雪帽、圍巾也有其必要。手套最好買外層可以防水的,以免雪融時降低保暖的能力。

3. 短袖的T-shirt也是冬天良伴。冬天時,通常公共場所、學校室內的暖氣溫度都開得很高,所以冬天時需要多層次穿法,以免到室內時發生太熱卻不便脫衣的情形。同理,若非長時間在室外活動,也避免穿著極為保暖的衛生衣褲。

4. 除了上述的服飾店與百貨公司之外,在Porter Square(從Harvard Square步行約20分鐘)還有一家Burlington Coat Factory專賣外套平價大衣雪褲等等。在Brattle Square的East Mountain Sports(EMS)也有販售滑雪用的防風防水防寒外套雨雪褲,在季末常有季末清倉大特賣。

三、Cambridgeside Galleria內有Victoria's Secret女性內衣專賣店,可供女士小姐與疼愛另一伴的男士們參觀選購。


Tuesday, June 26, 2007



1. 每年六月到八月間的畢業搬家季,是免費傢具與家電大出籠的時候,尤其是每個月的最後一天與第一天。許多搬離Cambridge/Boston的原住戶,常會把不用的傢具與家電放到門口人行道上供人自取,舉凡沙發、沙發床、落地燈、書櫃、書架、鞋架、檯燈、電視、印表機、餐具、微波爐、桌子、椅子、床、冷氣機,……等等,應有盡有。這段時間沒事請多晃晃相關宿舍區與租屋集中區,例如Charles River河畔大學區宿舍、各Harvard Affiliated Housing公寓區、Everett St.、Chauncy St., Kirkland St., Harvard Divinity School東北面的街區、Oxford St.兩側的街區,乃至於BU宿舍區,都是很好的尋寶處。
2. 有事沒事看看Craigs list: Boston的免費物品區,也有可能發現實用的好東西,有些還會附照片。

1. Craigslist的傢具區有許多的二手傢具流通。
2. MIT Furniture Exchange (FX)是有多年信譽的非營利二手傢具集散團體。FX的地址靠近Memorial Drive。離哈佛有一小段距離,不過他們有合作的宅配公司提供付費運送服務。FX的營業時間是週二與週四的早上十點到下午四點,以及每月第一週六的早上十點到下午一點。為了配合服務新生的需要,他們在8月19號與8月26號的早上十點到下午一點也會開門營業。到時候已經來到哈佛的新生可以考慮利用。此外,FX還會以原價的3分之1收購狀況良好的二手傢具,前提是要附上原購買的收據。
3. Ptt的Boston版常有當地的留學生張貼二手傢具與家電的廣告。
4. 當然,美國最大的二手買賣網站非ebay.com莫屬。

1. Harvard Square與Central Square之間有好幾家傢具店,價格多有出入,請自行比較。
2. 在Boston南邊開車約半個多小時可到IKEA
3. 在Somerville有Target。Target是美國很大的連鎖百貨超市。也提供線上購買。
4. 較遠的還有costco好市多與美國最大的連鎖百貨超市Walmart
5. 從Harvard Old Yard的Johnson Gate旁可以搭乘公車到Cambridgeside Galleria。這是Cambridge最大的購物中心,有許多的商家可以選購。
6. 以上提到的這些百貨超市都有提供線上購買的服務。
7. 麻州北邊的New Hampshire州免Sale Tax。但是在New Hampshire購買的東西必須自行帶回麻州,若是要求該州的商家送貨,還是要扣稅。


1. Windows PC
學校的Technology Services販售教育價的IBM電腦,並有網路供應商提供其他電腦廠家的產品。展售中心在Science Center地下一樓。
2. Apple Mac
學校的Technology Services也有販售教育價的蘋果電腦,但要自行去Allston的Technology Service總部提貨(從Harvard Square走過去沿著JFK St.過橋後直直走大概十五分鐘可到),有時Science Center的門市有會有貨,運送要另外計費。在Apple.com的線上教育價網站購買的話,超過一定金額就享有免費運送。值得注意的是,目前的新款蘋果電腦也可以安裝運行微軟視窗作業系統。

六、每年的感恩節隔天的禮拜五,是全美國到處都有折扣的Black Friday,可以好好把握。但要注意的是,常有商家趁此機會大量傾銷即將停產或是將要汰換的商品,所以下手前要想清楚。



Sunday, June 24, 2007

Boston Logan International Airport to Hold Job Fair Career Opportunities Available in the Aviation Industry

The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) today announced an airport-wide job fair at Boston Logan International Airport on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the United Airlines Hangar.

Hosted by Massport, the job fair is an opportunity for Logan's airlines, airport retail and restaurant concessionaires, airline support and airport support businesses, hotels, rental car companies, and government agencies to showcase the career opportunities available at Boston Logan. Boston Logan serves as the gateway to the six-state New England region with a population of over 14 million and offers nonstop service to 79 domestic and 37 international destinations.

With many airport businesses expressing an interest in the job fair, airport officials are hopeful that the turnout will be strong and that qualified candidates will be matched with potential employers.

"Our goal with the job fair is to get people thinking about the various career opportunities and experiences offered by the aviation transportation industry," said Massport's Director of Aviation Edward C. Freni. "Companies at Logan employ nearly 11,000 people and generate about $19 million a day in direct economic impact to the region."

The job fair will take place at the United Airlines Hangar located at 10 Service Road, Logan International Airport, East Boston, across the street from the MBTA Blue Line Airport Station. Attendees are encouraged to make use of public transportation. Attendees driving to job fair can park at the airport's economy parking lot and should take Route 1A north to the Bennington Street/Route 145 exit and follow the signs to event parking. Attendees are asked not to bring large bags or back packs to the job fair. Please contact Massport's DaNita Davis at 617-568-3900 or with questions or for further information.

Saturday, June 23, 2007




1. 6月30號參加新生說明會的同學,請別忘了在現場謝謝校友會的熱心協助!
2. 如果你不確定一年內會需要回臺灣,請考慮以下因素再決定是否購買這種票。如果一年內真的無法回臺灣,得要繳交高額的罰款與更改手續費。詳細票價規則(fare rules)請洽旅行社或聯合航空。






另外還有一些可以列印學校地圖的網址也值得一試:Harvard Affiliated Housing MapGoogle Map of Harvard

當然,如果你還是想花錢買地圖,位於哈佛廣場Holyoke Center(這是哈佛大學校本部主要的行政中心)1樓的Harvard Events and Information Center購買哈佛地圖。

平時常有的一般地圖好站還有:Google MapsYahoo! MapsMAPQUEST等等。出門前上這些網站查詢一下相關地址、開車路線(如果需要開車的話),列印下來,使用上非常方便。

Monday, June 18, 2007

Application Information of Travel Grant of the Ministry of Education for Overseas ROC Students

Click here to download the application form
中華民國 93年12月20日
中華民國95年12月28 日





(二)申請表內各項證明資料應完全齊備,方予補助,申請表及相關證明資料留存駐外單位備查。申請表得由本部國際文教處網站 (「行政規則」選項之「留學輔導」項下下載。

(一) 駐外單位接受留學生申請後,應確認查核留學生參加學術會議發表論文或參與藝能展演活動情形,並將受補助者名單及參加學術會議或展演活動名稱及心得報告公布於各駐外單位網站。
(二) 駐外單位於核定補助後,應於每季或依實際情形(應於同一會計年度)將駐外單位領據、留學生出具收據及受補助者名冊報本部核撥。

(一) 所有申請補助案件之相關資料,由各駐外單位專案建檔管理。
(二) 駐外單位可鼓勵留學生據此同時向留學就讀之大學(科系)申請參加學術會議論文發表或藝能展演獎助金。
(三) 申請資料及心得報告有不實者,除追繳補助費外,並視情節公告週知,於下次申請時,不予補助。

The Films of Lin Cheng-sheng 林正盛電影展, July10-July 12, 2007

The Films of Lin Cheng-sheng 林正盛電影展
July 10-July 12, 2007
Harvard Film Archive, Carpenter Center, 24 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Contemporary Taiwanese Cinema is often considered in two distinct movements. The First Wave includes directors such as Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Edward Yang, whose rich works evoked the naturalistic style of Italian Neorealism. In the 1990s, a second wave of filmmakers emerged including Tsai Ming-liang, Tso Chi-chang and Ang Lee who offer less nostalgic, more varied sketches of Taiwanese life.

Although he came to filmmaking later in life, Lin Cheng-sheng is often associated with this second generation. Lin was born in 1959 in a remote village in Taitung, Taiwan. After working for eleven years as a baker, he attended his first filmmaking workshop in 1984. In collaboration with his wife, screenwriter Ko Su-ching, Lin produced three documentary films before moving on to his first narrative feature. A Drifting Life was awarded a Silver Medal in the Young Cinema Competition at the Tokyo International Film Festival and received special mention at the Cannes Film Festival. His second film, Murmur of Youth, was screened during Director's Week at the Cannes Film Festival and established his presence on the international film festival circuit, with screenings at the Toronto Film Festival. In addition to his work as a director, Lin is also an accomplished comic actor, appearing in films such as Tropical Fish and Buddha Bless America. But it is his unique directorial vision that allows him to craft patient, naturalistic portraits of modern-day Taiwan.

This series is co-presented with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.

July 10, 7PM
A Drifting Life 春花夢露
Directed by Lin Cheng-sheng
Taiwan 1996, 35mm, color, 123 min.
With Lee Kang-sheng, Vicky Wei, Grace Chen

After his wife dies during childbirth, Ku-cheng (Lee) leaves his children behind in their rural village while he finds work on a construction site in the city. He develops a relationship with a widow but despite their intimacy, he refuses to remarry. Lin’s moving, mutli-generational debut feature is anchored by a strong performance from Tsai Ming-liang alter ego Lee Kang-sheng.

July 11, 7PM
Murmur of Youth 美麗在唱歌
Directed by Lin Cheng-sheng
Taiwan 1997, 35mm, color, 106 min.
With René Liu, Tseng Jing, Tsai Chin-hsin
Mandarin with English subtitles

Two teenage girls from opposite sides of town work together as cashiers at a movie theater. One lives with her wealthy but distant parents in a Taipei high-rise while the other lives in an older rundown house where her grandmother provides moral support. They become close friends and eventually lovers, sharing intimate details about their lives that cannot be revealed to their respective families. Lin’s sensitive portrayal of these young lives earned acting honors for his two leads at the 1997 Tokyo Film Festival.

July 11, 9PM
Sweet Degeneration 放浪
Directed by Lin Cheng-sheng
Taiwan 1998, 35mm, color, 118 min.
With Chen Shiang-chyi, Lee Kang-sheng, Chen Shi-huang
Mandarin with English subtitles

Lee Kang-sheng stars as Chun-sheng, a directionless young man who returns from military service troubled by his deep emotional attachment to his sister. He steals money from his father and travels to Taipei where he falls in love with a prostitute who ultimately challenges the fragile relationship between the two siblings. Lin drew on his own life story in constructing the character of the wayward son who dreams of a better life as a musician.

July 12, 7:30PM
The Moon Also Rises 月光下我記得
Directed by Lin Cheng-sheng
Taiwan 2005, 35mm, color, 113 min.
With Yang Kuei-mei, Shih Yi-nan, Chen Te-lieh
Hokkien, Mandarin and Japanese with English subtitles
Reception and discussion with Director Lin Cheng-sheng and Actress Lin Chia-yu follow after this screening

Set in the seaside town of Taidong in the early 1960s, The Moon Also Rises follows the lives of a deeply religious divorcée and her schoolteacher daughter, who wishes to marry her cousin. The film was adapted from a popular story by writer Li Ang and earned actress Yang Kuei-mei a Golden Horse Award for her moving portrayal of the repressed mother.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Conference: "First Impressions: The Cultural History of Print in Imperial China (8th to 14th Centuries)"

Conference: "First Impressions: The Cultural History of Print in Imperial China (8th to 14th Centuries)"
Monday, June 25 - Wednesday, June 27
Lucille Chia (University of California at Riverside)
Hilde De Weerdt (University of Tennessee at Knoxville)
Wilt Idema (Harvard University)
1730 Cambridge Street, CGIS S050
Full schedule:
Co-sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, the National Endowment for the humanities, and the Fairbank Center
Contact: (617) 495-4046

Fairbank Special Lecture: "Taiwan's Educational Reform and the Future of Taiwan"

Wednesday, June 20, 4 pm
Fairbank Center Special Lecture: "Taiwanís Educational Reform and the Future of Taiwan" given by Tu Cheng-Sheng, Minister of Education on Taiwan. Dr. Tu was a visiting scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute in 1983–84, so he has a special affection for Harvard. His educational reforms in Taiwan have sparked much debate. He will be introduced by Peter Bol. A reception will follow the talk.
Location: CGIS South Building, Room S020, 1730 Cambridge Street

Friday, June 8, 2007



哈佛大學著名的鱷魚合唱團(Krokodiloes)今年台灣巡迴演唱時間如下,請各位學長參閱。如要索取演唱會入場券,請洽崇友基金會Tel: 02 2381 3345 。



Tel: 02 2713 1707














