Monday, August 20, 2007



補充說明一點,Costco只收Debit Card(比如銀行的提款卡,即刷即從銀行帳戶扣款)、American Express信用卡與現金,不收VISA、Discover或MasterCard信用卡。所以還沒有American Express信用卡而想用具有Debit Card功能的銀行提款卡付帳的新生,請在出發前一天確認支票存款帳戶內有足夠消費的存款餘額。

Dear New Comers,

We appreciate registration of many of you. The registration of this shopping tour is still open.

We would like to remind you that the retail store of Costco only accept credit cards of American Express, not VISA, MasterCard, nor Discover cards. If you are going to pay in Costco by using your debit card, please confirm available balance in your checking account on the day before this shopping tour.

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