Monday, August 27, 2007

2007 哈佛新生大採購報名9月1日截止!




剛來到哈佛安頓,生活中一定有許多東西需要購買。因此,同學會特別舉辦新生大採購,前往距離Cambridge不到1小時車程的New Hampshire(免稅)大賣場與購物中心,並提供卡車送貨到府的服務。我們將會前往位於Nashua, New Hampshire的好市多Costco與Pheasant Lane Mall。歡迎本校新生、訪問學者,以及鄰近各校新生參加。各位可事先到上述購物中心內的百貨公司網站挑選比較商品。

值得注意的是,Costco只收Debit Card(比如銀行的提款卡,即刷即從銀行帳戶扣款)、American Express信用卡與現金,不收VISA或MasterCard信用卡。所以還沒有American Express信用卡的新生在出發前一天,請確認支票存款帳戶內有足夠的現金。


集合地點:哈佛燕京圖書館後停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)。



1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to deliver your stuff:
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number if available:



Dear New comers to Harvard:

We would like thank for those who have registered to this activity. Your seats have been secured! Due to logistics, the deadline of this shopping tour registration is September 1st, 2007. Please register as soon as possible to secure your seats!

HROCC is organizing a grand shopping tour to Nashua, New Hampshire on September 8, 2007. We will drive to Costco, and several famous department stores (Target, Sears, Macy's, etc.)as well as another dozens of national stores in Pheasant Lane Mall. HROCC will provide delivery service by truck. HROCC welcomes all Harvard affiliates as well as friends from another neighbor schools to join us for this shopping trip.
This shopping tour is open to and welcome friends from our neighbor schools.

Time: 8:30am, September 8, 2007
Venue: Parking lot behind Harvard Yenching Library
Fee: Members and Friends of HROCC $5/person; others $10. Fees will be collected on site. You can pay the membership fee of $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard student) or a Friend of HROCC (as friends without Harvard studentship). Drivers and their significant others are free to participate this event and will be reimbursed of $12/per car for providing two or more seats.

Lunch is on your own. We will conclude the shopping and leave Nashua by 5pm. Home delivery will follow.

If you are joining us for this shopping trip, please send the following information to

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to deliver your stuff:
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number if available:

For questions, please feel free to contact us at

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