Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shopping Tour for the Incoming Students!

一年一度的新生大採購又要來了!今年的採購活動,HROCC與HTSA將於9月6日星期六統籌透過HTSC(會長是Renee)合辦,地點是Gateway shopping center (Everett, MA)。那邊有Target, Costco, Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond等商店,大家在行前也可以上網去搜尋一下。:)
在此叮嚀一下,Costco只收Debit Card(比如銀行的提款卡,即刷即從銀行帳戶扣款)、American Express信用卡與現金,不收VISA或MasterCard信用卡。所以還沒有American Express信用卡的新生在出發前一天,請確認支票存款帳戶內有足夠的現金。
為了便於統一統計人數,請有興趣的朋友於8月31日前寄信給 Renee (msher@fas.harvard.edu)報名,附上以下資料:
1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to deliver your stuff:
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number if available:

When? 9月6日上午10點
Meet at Where? 哈佛燕京圖書館後停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)
How much? 每人現場繳交$5。駕駛免費,油費同學會將補助!感恩募集中~




Dear friends,
Annual shopping tour is coming again! This year, HROCC and HTSA will hold the event together through the organization of HTSC. We welcome all the people who are interested!

When? Sep. 6 (Sat.), 10am
Meet at Where? Harvard Yenching library parking lot
(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)
How much? $5 each, drivers free to join! We will support you with the gas fee!
Where to Go? Gateway shopping center (Everett, MA) There we have Target, Costco, Home Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.

Please register before Aug. 31 by emailing Renee (msher@fas.harvard.edu) with the information below:

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to deliver your stuff:
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number if available:

Best wishes,
HROCC Yang-Ting

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