Sunday, September 30, 2007

30th Annual Conference NEACP on October 27, Free for Members and Friends of HROCC 紐英崙中華專業人員協會30週年年會,本會會員與會友免費

New England Association of Chinese Professional is going to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Members and Friends of HROCC are invited to participate for free (including meals). Please RSVP with your Chinese and English names to by October 10th.

For more information, visit


Date: Saturday, October 27, 2007

Venue: Shillman Hall, Northeastern University,
115 Forsyth Street, Classroom Building, Boston

Directions to parking lot on Columbus Ave (free parking)
From West (inbound) on Huntington Ave
1. Turn right onto Mass Ave
2. Pass St. Botolph Street on your right
3. Turn right onto Columbus Ave
4. Go straight and pass Northeastern University sign
5. Parking lot is on your right between two parking garages

From Mass Ave Northbound
Pass Huntington Ave
Then follow No.2 to No.5 above

T Green Line- Northeastern University
T Orange Line- Ruggles Station

9:00-9:30 報到

9:30-9:45 開幕式: 董事長-李小玉醫師
會 長-王世輝醫師

9:45-10:00 頒發三十周年特別獎: 總顧問- 蔣宗壬博士

10:00-11:00 虎穴亡魂: 呂代豪牧師
主持人: 李小玉醫師

11:15-12:15 我的美麗文學與科技世界: 夏祖焯博士
主持人: 張鳳女士

12:15-13:30 午餐/聯誼

13:30-14:30 孔子的真善美: 周春塘教授
主持人: 滕永源教授

14:30-14:45 休息/聯誼

14:45-15:45 感恩的一生: 陳玉律女士
主持人: 李西成教授

15:45-16:00 休息/聯誼

16:00-17:00 一段不該被遺忘的歷史(U-2在中國1961-1975): 沈宗李先生
主持人: 沈立威博士

17:00-17:15 閉幕式

10-11am呂代豪博士 基督教拓荒宣教神學院院長
青少年時期偷過車, 當上竹聯幫護法充當殺手, 揮武士刀傷過人, 開過應召站, 以暴力討債, 坐過十四個牢, 被判刑三十八年, 去過火燒島, 逃獄無數次. 陳筱玲寫信勸他信教, 改過自新, 經過兩百五十封信的努力, 終於感召了十惡不赦的浪子. 呂代豪改頭換面, 從殺手到三個博士的牧師, 從強盜變成傳道, 從黑道大哥培育出柏克萊的女兒. “收刀入鞘” 一書詳細敘述了一個傳奇的故事, 呂代豪的流氓變牧師的真人實事, 也即將搬上銀幕, 給這個道德價值逐漸消失的社會一個借鏡.

11:00-12:00夏祖焯博士 筆名夏烈
台灣成大土木系畢業, 美國密西根州立大學土木工程博士. 父親是名作家何凡 (夏承楹), 母親是文壇巨擘林海音, 曾擔任橋樑工程師, 美國中國工程師學會土木工程組組長等職, 現任教清華大學和台北世新大學現代文學, 為我國有史以來第一位工程博士出任專任文學教授之職. “白門-再見” 是早期轟動的短篇小說, 1994年小說 “夏獵” 獲得國家文學獎, 2006年獲得美國中國工程師學會頒發 “科技與人文獎’, 著作還有 “最後的一隻紅頭烏鴉”.

13:30-14:30周春塘教授 617-595-3722
美國華盛頓大學哲學博士, 曾經擔任美國愛阿華大學講師, 康乃爾大學教授, 台灣華梵大學文學院院長, 華梵大學東方人文思想研究所所長. 曾經擔任 “文星雜誌”, “慧炬” 月刊編輯, 以及香港 “大學生活” 特約撰稿人. 學術專長以中國文學, 美國詩學, 文心雕龍, 儒家思想, 道家思想, 戰國思想, 當代出土文物為主. 其著作有敦煌變文研究, 蘇俄文學新論, 緣起性空與人生, 生活的智慧-尋找生命中的力量, 撰寫論文的第一本書等中英文著作四十餘篇.

廣東中山人, 生於香港. 父親陳同白, 是中國漁業之父. 姐妹五人, 弟弟一人, 大姐陳明律是國際知名花腔天后. 國立台灣師範大學音樂系畢業, 主修鋼琴, 曾經跟隨台灣舞蹈鼻祖蔡瑞月習舞十七年, 個人舞蹈以及編導舞作得獎連連. 1984年與夫婿林愛迪創辦 “中華藝術協會”, 並成立 “傳統中國舞蹈團”. 1986年成立 “天使兒童合唱團”, 表現優異, 獲頒麻州參眾議會的 “傑出貢獻” 和 “文化交流”表揚狀. 1985年榮獲 “藝術基金獎”, 1995榮獲 “紐頓市之光傑出藝術獎”. 2006年榮獲中華民國舞蹈學會最高容榮譽 “舞蹈飛鳳獎”.

1932年出生於上海, 1950年由香港遷到台灣, 1955年成為空軍飛行官, 開始飛行生涯. 1968年成為黑貓中隊U-2飛行員, 執行高空偵察飛行任務, 至1973年完成大陸偵察任務十八次後, 調任中華民國駐越南大使館空軍武官. 1975年任滿返國, 調任空軍第四聯隊作戰組長, 1976年調任國防部禮賓官, 1977年由空軍上校軍階輔導進入中華航空公司擔任B-707副駕駛, 1980年升任正駕駛及教師機師, 其後又兼任飛行安全室主任. 1992年由華航退休, 加入長榮航空公司擔任教師機師及飛行訓練顧問, 1996年應民航局聘任為初訓飛行員督訓官.


Lunch and refreshments are included. Registration is required. *素食者請告知*
Make check payable to NEACP. Mail the form and check to:
C/o Calvin Hsieh
3 Freeport Dr, Burlington, MA 01803

Online registration

Before 10/10:
Member: $15, Member spouse: $15
Non-member: $20
Student: Free (All students are required to register to your Student Association or online.)

After 10/10 and On-site Registration:
Member $20, Member spouse: $20
Non-member $25

Membership (2007-2008): $20 for regular member, $10 for student member, $150 for lifetime member

Contact information:
Mei Chen 781-229-0081
Shih H Wang 617-484-1375

Dinner: Reservation is required.
Place: TBD
Cost: $35

Book signing
There is limited number of books for sale and signing; $25 per copy.

NEACP Lecture Dinner: The Changing Landscape of Hong Kong's Higher Education Scene by Prof. Paul Ching-Wu Chu on October 18th

The Changing Landscape of Hong Kong's Higher Education Scene
by Prof. Paul Ching-Wu Chu

10/18 Thursday, 6:30pm-9:30pm

China Pearl Restaurant 3rd Floor
9 Tyler Street, Boston

Members and Friends of HROCC: Free; others: $30.
Please RSVP to by October 10th.

Non-HROCC-affiliated friends please RSVP to
NEACP directly and make check payable to NEACP and mail to:
Ann Hsiao
P O Box 620653, Newton Lower Fall, MA 02462
Reservation is required by 10/10.

Workshop Series for International Teaching Fellows


In response to requests and feedback from those of you who are international
TFs, the Derek Bok Center is offering this fall a series of workshops that
target some of the issues that you expressed interest in learning more about.
We hope you can join us for any or all of these workshops. For more
information, contact Virginia Maurer (vmaurer@fas) or Huicong Zhang
(zhang22@fas). Space is limited so please RSVP by the requested date for each
workshop. Light refreshments will be served. We look forward to seeing you!

Virginia and Huicong

Speaking in Public I
Tuesday, 10/9 7:00-9:00 pm

Communicating effectively in public is essential to you in your academic career,
whether it be in your role as a scholar or as a teacher. You lead classroom
discussions, give lectures, present at conferences and give job-talks and
interviews. Whether it’s because you come from another culture or because you
are a non-native speaker of English, some of you might find public speaking in
the U.S. intimidating and particularly challenging. In this workshop with voice
and speech specialist Rebekah Maggor, you will learn some practical ways to
improve your clarity in English and engage your audience through effective use
of voice and body. (Workshop will be repeated on 11/16). RSVP to vmaurer@fas
by 10/7.

Responding to Student Writing
Thursday, 10/25 5:00-6:30 pm

Learning to provide effective and precise comments to students’ written
assignments often proves to be a challenge for international teaching fellows.
Do you find yourself surprised by students’ writing ability? Are you puzzled
about how to phrase your comments in order to help students become better
writers? Are you spending all your free time grading students’ papers and
having no time for your own research? This workshop is designed particularly to
help international teaching fellows become effective and efficient in responding
to student writing. RSVP to vmaurer@fas by 10/23.

Speaking in Public II
Friday, 11/16 3:00-5:00 pm

This workshop is a repeat of the workshop on 10/9. RSVP to vmaurer@fas by

Reflections: how to incorporate your teaching experience into a statement of
teaching philosophy
Thursday, 12/13 5:00-6:30 pm

It is the end of the semester and your teaching responsibilities are almost
finished. In the past few months, there must have been moments of joy as well
as frustration for you as a new teaching fellow. Don’t let them slip away
unnoticed. These are great materials to be incorporated into your teaching
philosophy. A statement of teaching philosophy is one of the most important
documents in your teaching portfolio. It often plays a vital role in job
search. This workshop will help you reflect on your past teaching experience
and begin to formulate your own teaching philosophy. You will have the
opportunity to share insights with experienced teaching fellows, critique
sample statements, and also practice writing your own. RSVP to vmaurer@fas by

Thanks for All of You Joining Our Winter Cloth Shopping Tour Yesterday!

Dear Friends,

We would like to thank all of you who joined our winter cloth shopping tour yesterday.

First of all, we have to dedicate our best gratitude to our drivers yesterday. Your kind offer and generosity made this shopping tour possible.

We hope all you passengers had a great harvest yesterday and we appreciate your participation.

We appreciate the question brought up by several friends about the pricing of the fees that we collected yesterday. Here is our brief explanation as follows. When we announced this shopping tour to public two weeks ago, we had only two kind drivers confirmed their offer of drive available, and we had to think about collecting enough funding for paying car rental plus insurance and gas from passengers on basis of each car, while we were working hard to find the lowest rate of car rental. Taking the car rented yesterday for example: The total expense we paid for the car rental price for a compact car ($42.55, reserved with's discount while this rate was not sold out yet) and for gas $12 was $54.55 in total. Divided by four, each of the four passenger would have to pay $13.64. This number did not include a Liability Insurance Supplement (LIS, $12.44), a Loss Damage Waiver (LDW, $25.99) nor Personal Accident Insurance/ Personal Effects Coverage ($5.50) which we would have definitely paid to rent more cars when a driver's credit card had not covered them.
We were indeed grateful that there were more generous drivers confirmed their offer of seats available for this tour.

Again, many thanks to all of you and cheers for the busy semester!
Good luck and take care!

Friday, September 28, 2007

"HGWISE Symposium on 'Beyond Bias and Barriers': The National Academy of Sciences Report on Women in Science" on October 10, 2007

October 10th, "HGWISE Symposium on 'Beyond Bias and Barriers': The National Academy of Sciences Report on Women in Science."
Organizing team members are from OEB (Organismic and Evolutionary Biology) and DMS (Division of Medical Sciences).
Faculty Advisor: Colleen Cavanaugh.

RSVP by email
Flyer including schedule is available to download here.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
Radcliffe Gymnasium
Radcliffe Yard
Cambridge, MA 02138

Symposium Topics:

1:45-2:00 : Registration & Refreshments

2:00-2:15 : Opening Remarks

2:15-2:50 : Current Status of Women in Science
Maria Zuber
E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2:50-3:15 : How Institutions Impact Diversity
Nan Keohane
Harvard University Corporation member, Laurance S. Rockefeller Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Affairs at Princeton University, and former President of Duke University

3:15-3:35 : Break & Refreshments

3:35-4:10 : What Harvard Can Do
Barbara Grosz
Interim Dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies and Higgins Professor of Natural Sciences

4:10-5:00 : Panel Discussion
Evelynn Hammonds, Moderator
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity and Development and Rosenkrantz Professor of the History of Science and of African and African American Studies

5:00-6:00 : Reception & Refreshments

Sponsored by Harvard Graduate Women in Science and Engineering, HGWISE,
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Harvard Integrated Life Sciences.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

(Filled!)Last Four Seats Available for Winter Cloth Shopping Tour! Register Now!



隨著夜涼如水的腳步接近,新英格蘭的冬天也即將到來。同學會特別舉辦新生冬衣大採購,前往波士頓以南約40分鐘車程的Wrentham Village Premium Outlets選購各項冬天衣物。歡迎各位新生、訪問學者,或是友校新生參加。本次活動開放友校同學報名參加。報名日期僅剩兩天!

集合地點:哈佛燕京圖書館停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

採購當天,請攜帶學生證或Harvard ID,可以憑證至該暢貨中心的客服中心索取減價券。該暢貨中心設有美食廣場與多家餐廳,可供午餐選擇。


1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no mail box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:



Dear Friends,

It is our great pleasure to announce the next event: Winter Cloth Shopping Tour!
We are going to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets for a one-day shopping tour. This shopping tour is open to the public. You are welcome to join us!

Time to meet: Saturday, September 29, 10 AM
Location to meet: Harvard Yenching Library Parking Lot (2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

Fee: Members and Friends of HROCC $10/person; others $15/person. Fees will be collected on site. You can pay the membership fee of $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard student) or a Friend of HROCC (as friends without Harvard studentship). Drivers and their significant others are free to participate this event and will be reimbursed of $12/per car for providing two or more seats.

Lunch is on your own. There is a food court as well as a few restaurants in the outlets.

For registration, please send the following information to
1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no post box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:

As we are working hard to accomodate each registrant, in case of limited seats, priority is given to HROCC Members/Friends and incoming Harvard Student/Visiting Scholars.

For questions, please feel free to contact us at

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節快樂!




Dear Friends,

Tomorrow (9/25) is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's also the best day for Moon watching.
For the background of this Chinese holiday, please visit: Moon Festival on Wikipedia.

Best wishes from HROCC for all of you!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

RiverSing: Bridging the Charles with Voice and Light on Sunday, September 23, 2007

Revels and the Charles River Conservancy present the 4th annual
RiverSing: Bridging the Charles with Voice and Light
Sunday, September 23, 2007
On the banks of the Charles River
at the Weeks Footbridge.
Near Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
Procession: 5:45pm, Singing: 6:00-7:30 pm

For more information, visit

China Current Events Workshop: Three Things about China's Military Modernization that Worry the Pentagon

China Current Events Workshop:
Three Things about China's Military Modernization that Worry the Pentagon
Friday, September 28, 2:00-5:00pm
"A Doctrinal Context for PLA Modernization: Operational Concepts and Institutional Reform"
David M. Finkelstein (Director, China Studies Center & Project Asia, The CNA Corporation)
Lyle Goldstein and William Murray (Naval War College)
"China's Anti-Satellite Weapon: Capabilities, Threat, and Future Directions"
Geoffrey E. Forden (Research Scientist, Program on Science, Technology, and Society, MIT)
"Chinese Long Range, Landmobile Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles: Implications for American Strategic Mobility"
Paul S. Giarra (Senior Program Manager, The Strategic Assessment Center, Hicks & Associates)
Gwendolyn Stewart (Fairbank Center)
Thomas R. Gottschang (Holy Cross)
1730 Cambridge Street, CGIS S050
Sponsored by the Fairbank Center
Contact: 617-495-4046 or

"Sino-U.S. Relations and the Global Environmental Challenge"

"Sino-U.S. Relations and the Global Environmental Challenge"
Friday, September 28, 12:30pm
Orville Schell
(Director, Center on U.S.-China Relations, Asia Society; Former Dean, Graduate School of Journalism; UC-Berkeley; Author of 14 books including Virtual Tibet , Mandate of Heaven , Discos and Democracy and To Get Rich is Glorious)
1730 Cambridge Street, CGIS S050
Modern Asia Series
Co-sponsored by the Harvard University Asia Center, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, and the Shorenstein Center
Contact: (617) 496-6273

"Joining the Global Public: Newspapers in Late Qing China"

"Joining the Global Public: Newspapers in Late Qing China"
Thursday, September 27, 12:15-2:00pm
Rudolf Wagner (Professor and Chair, Sinology Dept., Institute for Chinese Students, Heidelberg University)
1730 Cambridge St., CGIS S153
China Lunchtime Seminar
Sponsored by the Fairbank Center
Contact: (617) 495-4046

"China, Japan, and Security Order in East Asia"

"China, Japan, and Security Order in East Asia"
Tuesday, September 25, 12:30-2:00pm
David Kang (Professor of Government and Adjunct Professor of Business Administration, Dartmouth College)
Narushige Michishita (Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Abe Fellow Visiting Scholar, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University)
1737 Cambridge Street , CGIS Knafel N262
Program on U.S.-Japan Relations Presentation
Co-sponsored by the Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Olin Institute, Fairbank Center, Korea Institute's Kim Koo Forum, and the Asia Center

Thursday, September 20, 2007

本會網站新增站內搜尋功能! Now You Can "SEARCH" Here!



Dear Friends,

We have add the "SEARCH" function to this website.

Now you can key in the keyword(s) and and push the SEARCH tab, and all articles containing the keyword(s) of this website will be displayed immediately!

GSAS Students: Study Card to Turn in TOMORROW!

Dear Friends,

Please don't forget to turn in your study cards at Lehman Hall, 9 AM -5 PM.

If you cant' make it tomorrow, please send a request for deferral to the Registrar Office in advance, in order to prevent penalty.

Two Days Left for Registeration of Winter Cloth Shopping Tour to Wrentham Outlets!


隨著夜涼如水的腳步接近,新英格蘭的冬天也即將到來。同學會特別舉辦新生冬衣大採購,前往波士頓以南約40分鐘車程的Wrentham Village Premium Outlets選購各項冬天衣物。歡迎各位新生、訪問學者,或是友校新生參加。本次活動開放友校同學報名參加。報名日期僅剩兩天!


Wrentham Village Premium Outlets所販賣的品牌資訊與店家位置請參考這裡,折扣資訊請參考這裡

集合地點:哈佛燕京圖書館停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

採購當天,請攜帶學生證或Harvard ID,可以憑證至該暢貨中心的客服中心索取減價券。該暢貨中心設有美食廣場與多家餐廳,可供午餐選擇。



1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no mail box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:




Dear Friends,

It is our great pleasure to announce the next event: Winter Cloth Shopping Tour!
We are going to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets for a one-day shopping tour. This shopping tour is open to the public. You are welcome to join us!

Time to meet: Saturday, September 29, 10 AM
Location to meet: Harvard Yenching Library Parking Lot (2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

Fee: Members and Friends of HROCC $10/person; others $15/person. Fees will be collected on site. You can pay the membership fee of $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard student) or a Friend of HROCC (as friends without Harvard studentship). Drivers and their significant others are free to participate this event and will be reimbursed of $12/per car for providing two or more seats.

Lunch is on your own. There is a food court as well as a few restaurants in the outlets.

For registration, please send the following information to by September 22:
1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no post box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:

As we are working hard to accomodate each registrant, in case of limited seats, priority is given to HROCC Members/Friends and incoming Harvard Student/Visiting Scholars.

For questions, please feel free to contact us at

National Flag of the Republic of China Raising Ceremony on October 6

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston will hold a National Flag Raising Ceremony on October 6, 10 AM, at Boston City Hall Plaza, in celebration of the 97th Birthday of the Republic of China.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HTSA Trip fo Samuel Admams Brewery, date changed to September 29!

The following message is referred from

"HTSA is bringing you one more exciting trip in less than 2 weeks. We will be taking you to the famous Samuel Adams Brewery right here in the outskirts of Boston, on Saturday 9/29. There will be a tour of the Brewery, and a gift shop for souvenirs.

We'll be meeting in front of Dudley House at 12:00 noon. Please RSVP to as soon as you can!"

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Special Event of Harvard University Asia Center: "What is the Character of Chinese Architectural Drawing" on September 24

"What is the Character of Chinese Architectural Drawing?"
Monday, September 24, 12:15pm
China possesses a long and continuous history of drawing in which the concepts of form and visualization differ greatly from those in the West. This seminar will focus on the character of Chinese architectural drawing and articulate Chinese approaches to visual expression.
Qinghua Guo (Associate Professor in Asian Architecture and Planning, University of Melbourne, Australia)
1730 Cambridge Street, CGIS S250
Lunch will be provided
Co-sponsored by the Asia Center and the Graduate School of Design
Contact: (617) 496-6273

Three Discounted Dental Insurance Programs Available for Harvard Affiliates, Enroll by September 30!

Harvard University Health Services provides three discounted dental care programs:
1. Delta Dental PPO Value Plan,
2. Harvard University Health Services Discounted Preventive Dental Package,
3. Harvard School of Dental Medicine

All programs starts October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008. Enrollment expires September 30, 2007. Service fee is charged to term bill only.

For information in detail about the service, charge, etc., please go to get a copy of information sheet and enrollment form in Harvard University Health Services at Holyoke Center.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Winter Cloth Shopping Tour to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets on September 29! 冬衣大採購9月29日決行!


隨著夜涼如水的腳步接近,新英格蘭的冬天也即將到來。同學會特別舉辦冬衣大採購,前往波士頓以南約40分鐘車程的Wrentham Village Premium Outlets選購各項冬天衣物。歡迎各位新生、訪問學者,或是友校新生參加。本次活動開放友校同學報名參加。

集合地點:哈佛燕京圖書館停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

採購當天,請攜帶學生證或Harvard ID,可以憑證至該暢貨中心的客服中心索取減價券。該暢貨中心設有美食廣場與多家餐廳,可供午餐選擇。



1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no mail box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:




Dear Friends,

It is our great pleasure to announce the next event: Winter Cloth Shopping Tour!
We are going to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets for a one-day shopping tour. This shopping tour is open to the public. You are welcome to join us!

Time to meet: Saturday, September 29, 10 PM
Location to meet: Harvard Yenching Library Parking Lot (2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)

Fee: Members and Friends of HROCC $10/person; others $15/person. Fees will be collected on site. You can pay the membership fee of $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard student) or a Friend of HROCC (as friends without Harvard studentship). Drivers and their significant others are free to participate this event and will be reimbursed of $12/per car for providing two or more seats.

Lunch is on your own. There is a food court as well as a few restaurants in the outlets.

For registration, please send the following information to by September 22:
1. Name:
2. Email:
3. Address to drop you off (no post box)
4. Number of attendee(s):
5. Need a ride: Y or N
6. Offer a ride: N or Number of seats available
7. Cell phone number(if available):
8. Home phone number(if available):
9. School:

As we are working hard to accomodate each registrant, in case of limited seats, priority is given to HROCC Members/Friends and incoming Harvard Student/Visiting Scholars.

For questions, please feel free to contact us at

Our Best Gratitude for Your Attendance to HROCC Welcome Reception




我們也誠摯地感謝哈佛大學台灣同學會會長侯智元同學應本會之邀參加本次活動。本會十分感激侯會長與台灣同學會許前會長曙顯同學在本校主管單位審查核准本會註冊申請過程中的協助,也贊同侯會長所秉持之兩會互助合作之善意。本會日前主動於本會網站上公告周知哈佛大學台灣同學會所主辦的近日的三項活動:九月十四日迎新、九月二十二日中秋舞會,與九月二十八日Samuel Adams Brewery Trip。本會也二度寄發電郵至htsa-list@hcs.lists.hcs.harvard.edu邀請台灣同學會的朋友與電子郵件訂戶參與本會所主辦的兩項新生服務性活動:九月八日新生大採購與九月二十九日新生冬衣採購之旅。




Dear Friends,

It was our great pleasure to have all of you for the Welcome Reception of warmth. Great Food, good people!

In particular, we would like to thank Gene-Wei, Ming-Te, Hao-Yi, Tsung-Shing, Chin-Ann, and Wen-chen for preparing the food and beverage.

You are more than welcome to join us for the next event: Winter Cloth Shopping tour to Wrentham, on September 29th!

Have a nice weekend!


2007 Boston Red Sox Postseason Ticket Purchase Opportunity! Register by 11:59 AM EDT on Friday, September 28, 2007!

For more information and registration, visit:

2007 Boston Red Sox Postseason Ticket Purchase Opportunity

Register now for the opportunity to purchase tickets for potential 2007 MLB postseason games which may be played at Fenway Park.

This registration process is used to create a more efficient and fair purchasing path as the number of tickets available for these games is extremely limited. The random drawing process has proven to be one of the most equitable programs developed allowing as many fans as possible the opportunity to enjoy postseason baseball at Fenway Park.

Applicants must fill out and submit the registration form below to participate in this opportunity to purchase. Registration begins at 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight Time ("EDT") on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 and will conclude prior to the World Series drawing. The Red Sox will then conduct a random selection of winners from the pool of registrants for each of the three postseason series. The winners will have the opportunity to purchase up to two (2) tickets to one (1) game of the 2007 postseason which may be played at Fenway Park in Boston, MA. Exact dates, times and instructions for ticket purchase will be communicated by email to each applicant selected. If a selected applicant does not follow these instructions, he or she will forfeit the opportunity to purchase tickets. There is no charge to register for this opportunity. There is no obligation to buy a ticket.

In order to be eligible for this opportunity, you must be eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of entry. In addition, you must complete and submit the entry form located below during the Registration Period. Limit one entry per person. In the case of multiple entries for the same individual, only the first entry received will be considered. Only entries submitted to the Red Sox during the Registration Period will be entered in the random drawing. Entries generated by a script, macro, or other mechanical or automated means will not be valid. Please be sure to provide an accurate e-mail address. and the Red Sox are not responsible for any e-mail notifications that are bounced back or misdirected.

For individuals who register by 11:59 a.m. EDT on Friday, September 28, 2007, a random drawing for the opportunity to purchase 2007 American League Championship Series ("ALCS") tickets will be held. Each applicant selected will be notified on a date to be determined via the email address submitted on the registration form. Those applicants whose names are selected shall have an opportunity to purchase ALDS tickets on a date and time to be determined.

Registrants who were not selected in the ALDS drawing or those who register after 12:00 noon EDT on Monday, September 17 will be eligible for the ALCS and World Series drawings.


ALDS REGISTRATION PERIOD ENDS: 12 noon EDT, Monday, 09/17/2007

ALDS RANDOM DRAWING: Monday, 09/17/2007


ALDS SALE FOR WINNERS: 12:00 noon - 6:00p.m. EDT, Thursday, 09/20/2007

ALCS REGISTRATION PERIOD ENDS: 12:00 noon EDT, Friday, 9/28/2007

ALCS RANDOM DRAWING: Friday, 9/28/2007



WS REGISTRATION PERIOD ENDS: 12:00 noon EDT, Monday, 10/8/2007

WS RANDOM DRAWING: Monday, 10/8/2007



Sale dates for potential 2007 American League Championship Series or 2007 World Series games played at Fenway Park will be announced at a later date. Such winners will be selected from the pool of remaining non-winning registrants and notified via email with instructions on the ticket purchase process including dates and times for these sales. All sales are final.

NOTE: MLB game dates and times are determined in the sole discretion of the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball and/or the Boston Red Sox, as applicable, and may be subject to change. All tickets purchased in connection with the drawing shall be subject to those policies applicable to Red Sox ticket holders generally; as such the Red Sox from time to time in their sole discretion may amend policies. Red Sox Non-Played Game Postseason Ticket Return Policy: Tickets purchased online or by phone - marked WEB/PHN on the front of the ticket - will be automatically credited back to the account holder of record and WILL NOT BE redeemable at the Red Sox ticket office. These tickets DO NOT have to be returned for reimbursement. You may not resell any tickets purchased in connection with the drawing or use such tickets for any promotional purposes whatsoever. Registrations are non-transferable with no cash redemptions or substitutions. Address information supplied below must match the billing address on the credit card.

"American Corporate Compliance meets Chinese Corporate Governance: Lessons in Applied Comparative Law

"American Corporate Compliance meets Chinese Corporate Governance:
Lessons in Applied Comparative Law"
Friday, September 21, 12:00pm
Preston M. Torbert, (JD, '74, HLS; Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP, Chicago Office)
Pound 419, Harvard Law School
East Asian Legal Studies Lunchtime Talk
Sponsored by East Asian Legal Studies

"Reform and Characteristics of Party-Government Relations in Contemporary China"

"Reform and Characteristics of Party-Government Relations in Contemporary China"
Thurs day, September 20, 4:00-5:30pm
Speaker: Xu Baoyou (Associate Professor, Central Compilation and Translation Bureau , China )
Discussant : Chang Xinxin (Central Party School of CPC , China )
Chair : Sun Zhongxin ( Fudan University , China )
1730 Cambridge St., CGIS S153
Working language for this seminar is Chinese
China Study Seminar
Sponsored by the Fairbank Center
Contact :

Transforming China's Military: New Missions; New Measures"

"Transforming China 's Military: New Missions; New Measures"
Thursday, September 20, 12:15-2:00pm
Ellis Joffe (Professor of Chinese History, Hebrew University )
1730 Cambridge St., CGIS S153
China Lunchtime Seminar
Sponsored by the Fairbank Center
Contact: (617) 495-4046

GSAS Barbecue on September 23

GSAS Barbecue
Natural History Museum Lawn (near GSAS residence halls)

1:00pm-3:00pm Grilled food will be available
3:00pm-5:00pm Drinks, Chips, Leftovers!

Free food! And lots of it! Carnivores, omnivores and herbivores unite over the grill at the annual GSAS barbeque! There will be plenty of food and drink for all. Feel free to bring frisbees, soccer balls and the like! Open to all GSAS students and their families and sponsored by Dudley House, your Resident Advisors, the Graduate Dormitory Council, and the Graduate Student Council. Rain or shine on the Museum Lawn, next to Conant Hall on Oxford Street. Proper ID required for alcohol. See you there! Questions? E-mail Mary Ruth at

Friday, September 14, 2007

HROCC Welcome Reception TOMORROW!





地點:22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138(過燕京圖書館以後,位於Divinity Ave.路底)


1. 姓名:
2. Email:
3. 學院:
4. 參加人數:





Dear Friends,

Your kind attendance is sincerely requested to join us for the 2007 HROCC Welcome Reception on 09/15/2007. Please come to meet new friends as well as old friends, and share authentic Chinese homemade cuisine. Come and taste the flavor of family and warmth!

Time: 6:00pm, 09/15/2007.
Venue: 22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138 (at the end at Divinity Ave.).
Fee: Free to Members and Friends of HROCC, others $10/person. You can pay the membership fee $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard students) or a Friend (faculty, officers, post-docs, visiting scholars, alumni, non-Harvard students, etc.)of HROCC. Friends from neighbor schools are welcome to join us as well!

Please email us the following information to register:

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. School:
4. Number of attendee(s):

We prepare a heart-touching gift for every single friend who register in advance (limited offer, incoming students and scholars first)!

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at

This activity is honorably sponsored by the Cultural Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston.


MCB Doty Lecture: Remembrance of Things Past, by Dr. Sydney Brenner, 2002 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Speaker: Dr. Sydney Brenner of Janelia Farm Research Campus
Title: Remembrance of Things Past
Time: September 20, 2007, 12-1 PM
Venue: Sherman Fairchild Lecture Hall, 7 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138

Dr. Sydney Brenner is the 2002 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and honored with the MCB Doty Lecture this year.

Senior Common Room Dinner on "The Origins of China's Takeoff" by Prof. Ezra F. Vogel

Time: October 1, 2007, 6 PM
Venue: Dudley House Common Room

Senior Common Room Dinners are held once a month during the academic year with the idea of bringing together local scholars and students for discussion on a topic of common interest while enjoying dinner together. Our first Senior Common Room dinner this year will be held on Monday, October 1. Ezra F. Vogel, the Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences at Harvard University will speak on “The Origins of China's Takeoff.” Professor Vogel is a leading expert in Asian Studies and the former director of the Fairbank Center as well as the Asia Center at Harvard. The Senior Common Room dinner will start at 6 p.m. in the Dudley House Common Room, with a reception in the Graduate Student Lounge at 5:30 pm. A limited number of free tickets will be available at the Dudley House Office on the 3rd floor beginning Monday, September 17, at 9 a.m. If you are a Longwood student please contact the House Office at 617-495-2255 and we will make arrangements for you to get your tickets. Contact Yanyan Liu ( for more information.

Travel Grant of the Ministry of Education for Overseas ROC Students Available


中華民國 93年12月20日
中華民國95年12月28 日





(二)申請表內各項證明資料應完全齊備,方予補助,申請表及相關證明資料留存駐外單位備查。申請表得由本部國際文教處網站 (「行政規則」選項之「留學輔導」項下下載。

(一) 駐外單位接受留學生申請後,應確認查核留學生參加學術會議發表論文或參與藝能展演活動情形,並將受補助者名單及參加學術會議或展演活動名稱及心得報告公布於各駐外單位網站。
(二) 駐外單位於核定補助後,應於每季或依實際情形(應於同一會計年度)將駐外單位領據、留學生出具收據及受補助者名冊報本部核撥。

(一) 所有申請補助案件之相關資料,由各駐外單位專案建檔管理。
(二) 駐外單位可鼓勵留學生據此同時向留學就讀之大學(科系)申請參加學術會議論文發表或藝能展演獎助金。
(三) 申請資料及心得報告有不實者,除追繳補助費外,並視情節公告週知,於下次申請時,不予補助。

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

HROCC Welcome Reception on 9/15, Please Register! 會前報名者有感動小禮物!





地點:22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138(過燕京圖書館以後,位於Divinity Ave.路底)


1. 姓名:
2. Email:
3. 學院:
4. 參加人數:





Dear Friends,

Your kind attendance is sincerely requested to join us for the 2007 HROCC Welcome Reception on 09/15/2007. Please come to meet new friends as well as old friends, and share authentic Chinese homemade cuisine. Come and taste the flavor of family and warmth!

Time: 6:00pm, 09/15/2007.
Venue: 22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138 (at the end at Divinity Ave.).
Fee: Free to Members and Friends of HROCC, others $10/person. You can pay the membership fee $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard students) or a Friend (faculty, officers, post-docs, visiting scholars, alumni, non-Harvard students, etc.)of HROCC. Friends from neighbor schools are welcome to join us as well!

Please email us the following information to register:

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. School:
4. Number of attendee(s):

We prepare a heart-touching gift for every single friend who register in advance!

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at

This activity is honorably sponsored by the Cultural Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston.


Harvard University Museums Community Day, September 16, 1-5 PM

Harvard University Museums Community Day
September 16, 1-5 PM

All seven Harvard University Museums, along with Gund Hall and the Collection of Scientific Instruments, will throw their doors open for FREE! Come enjoy a wide selection of must-see exhibits, tours and events! For more information, visit

HROCC Appreciates Donation! 本會接受各界人士捐款之說明

哈佛大學中華民國同學會(Harvard Republic of China Club,以下簡稱本會)為一註冊於哈佛大學之非營利、非政治性學生團體。本會致力於服務哈佛大學之海外華人(包括來自中華民國自由地區以及其他地區與國家)以及對中華文化有興趣之國際友人,並促進中華民國與哈佛大學間之文化交流與相互了解,且藉由與中華民國哈佛大學校友會之合作,增進中華民國校友對母校之向心力。

本會奉哈佛大學核准成立之後,已依照校方規定,申請並獲得美國財政部國稅局頒發之Employer Identification Number(EIN)核准,且於哈佛員工信用合作社(Harvard University Employees Credit Union)開立存款與支票帳戶。本會所有支出款項皆以本會支票開立,並需本會會長與財務長同時簽名方為有效。本會依照學校主管單位Dudley House規定與本會章程,定期向Dudley House與本會會員提出財務報告。



Harvard Republic of China Club (HROCC) is a non-profit and non-political student organization registered at Harvard University. HROCC is dedicated to .service for overseas Chinese and friends who are interested in Chinese Culture, to promote the cultural interaction and mutual understanding between the Republic of China and Harvard University, asHRO well as to foster the connection among Harvard alumni with Harvard University through collaboration with Harvard Club of the Republic of China.

Following the regulation of Harvard University, HROCC has been issued an Employer Identification Number by the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury. HROCC has accordingly opened savings and checkin accounts in Harvard University Employees Credit Union. All expenses of HROCC are paid by checks, which require co-signatures of both HROCC President and Treasurer for validation. According to the regulation by the Dudley House and the Constitution of HROCC, HROCC files financial report regularly to the Dudley House and HROCC membership.

In order to promote the operation and future development of HROCC, following regulation and the Constitution of HROCC, HROCC welcomes charity donation and sponsorship from alumni and faculty of Harvard, friends in another fields, as well as non-political organizations. Donation to HROCC is not tax-deductible. HROCC declines donation from political or controversial organizations.

HROCC reserves the right to accept or decline donation and sponsorship.

"I Don't Want to Sleep Alone" Screening at MFA 蔡明亮電影《黑眼圈》放映會

I Don’t Want to Sleep Alone
8 pm, Friday, September 14, 2007
7:43 pm, Wednesday, September 19, 2007
4:15 pm, Thursday, September 20, 2007
5 pm, Saturday, September 22, 2007

Remis Auditorium

I Don’t Want to Sleep Alone by Tsai Ming-Liang (Malaysia, 2006, 115 min.). A master of absurd minimalism, Tsai Ming-Liang leaves Taiwan behind and sets this film in his native Malaysia. In this new, multiethnic and multilingual setting of Kuala Lumpur, we find Tsai’s spectral muse, Lee Kang-Sheng, wordlessly trysting with not one but three equally laconic consorts. While all of the auteur’s signatures are here—endless running water, contagious disease, grime, muteness, sex, and song—they are expanded and diversified to such a degree that one could call this eighth feature his most saturated film. After a beating by swindlers, silent Hsiao-Kang (Lee) is carried by a group of Bangladeshi men back to their rundown abode, where he is nursed back to health by Rawang (Norman Bin Atun). Finding himself sharing a musty old mattress with his rescuer, a recovering Hsiao-Kang leaves the house to explore. Soon a noxious fog descends on the city, while a radio’s chatter serves as a kind of subtext to surreal events. Description adapted from Toronto International Film Festival. In Taiwanese and Malay with English subtitles. Director of Media Studies at Emerson College, Professor Shujen Wang will be introducing the film.

MFA members, seniors, and students $8; general admission $9.

Monday, September 10, 2007

BTCCO Welcome Reception on September 15, 1:30-3:30PM

For more information, please visit:

Fall Teaching Conference 2007 on September 11 and 12

The 2007 FALL TEACHING CONFERENCE will be held this year from September 11-12.


In addition to events of general interest (an address by Drew Faust, training on lecture techniques by the voice coach of the ART, seminars on professional conduct, and much more ), there are at various sessions designed specifically for TFs of different disciplines.

Faculty and postdocs are welcome to come as well as graduate students. While attendees are asked to register for participation, there is no stricture requiring participants to attend all sessions. But several of those sessions should indeed be of interest, and perhaps even of immediate utility, to instructors at all levels.

HROCC encourages all friends to attend this conference, no matter you are fresh graduate student or senior scholars. The professional training of the Bok Center can definitely sharpen your teaching and class performance.

For schedule and more information:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend Brunch Buffet at Lesley University for $6 (tax included) per person!

The Lesley Commons Dining Hall (White Hall) of Lesley University at the basement of 31 Everett St., Cambridge, MA 02138 has the cheapest quality weekend brunch buffet around Harvard Square from 10am to 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays. The price for a guest is $6 (tax included). It is right across Everett St. to the GSAS Perkins Residential Hall.

The brunch includes salad, sandwiches, sausage, fried bacon, ham, scranbbled eggs, cooked vegetables, bread, pancake, coffee, cereal, milk, juice, tea, and fruit.

For more information:

Bon Appetit!

Environmental Safety and Costs of Urban Passenger Transport Modes in China

"Environmental Safety and Costs of Urban Passenger Transport Modes in China"
Wednesday, September 12, 4:00pm
Rui Wang (Ph.D. Candidate in Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)
Pierce Hall 100F, 19 Oxford Street
Sponsored by the China Project, Center for the Environment and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Tzu Chi Charity Concert, 9/23

Tzu Chi Charity Concert
Let Goodness and Love Well Forth

Featuring Da Ai Television's Great Love Tour

If each of us offers a single light,
our collective radiance will dispel
a thousand years of darkness

Date: Sun, Sept 23, 2007

Time: 7:00PM
John Hancock Hall
180 Berkeley St.
Boston, MA 02116

Tzu Chi Foundation USA
Boston Service Center
To purchase, please call Victoria at 808 277 1959.

Regular Price: $30
Student Price: $20

Upcoming HTSA September events

Following information of HTSA events are from:

Welcome gathering
September 14, 2007 (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)

We will hold our first welcome gathering on 9/14 (Friday) from 7 until conclusion at Sherman Fairchild (7 Divinity Avenue). Following the recent tradition of HTSA, of course we will be having lots of good quality food =)

We will be collecting our membership fee for the year at the meeting, which will be a flat fee of 10 dollars for everyone for the year. It is this membership fee that makes it possible for us to continue to host events to serve our membership (Think of the food).

See all of you there on Friday!

September 22, 2007 (7:00 pm)

On 9/22, along with MITROCSA 麻省理工學院中華民國同學會, BUTSA 波士頓大學台灣同學會, we will be holding our annual 中秋晚會 at MIT, details to come soon! 月餅 we be provided.

Trip to Samuel Adams Brewery
September 28, 2007 (All Day)
(HTSA) our first field trip of the year to Samuel Adams Brewery.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Our Best Gratitute to All of You in Today's Shopping Tour









At the end of today's grand shopping tour for new comers to Harvard, HROCC would like to dedicate our best gratitute for every single friend who joined us today.

First of all, we would like to give most sincere thanks to all drivers, especially in honor of your enthusiasm and effort on such a hot day. Your dedication of safty and patience composed most of the success and safety of this service.

We are also grateful for every new students and visiting scholars for your participation and laughter we appreciated so much.

Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Please also remember to send us email for registeration of the HROCC Welcome Reception on September 15. Your registration will help us to prepare the homemade cuisine more efficiently.

We wish you a sweet dream tonight.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

HROCC Welcome Reception on 9/15/2007 with New Venue, Family Flavor




地點:22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138(過燕京圖書館以後,位於Divinity Ave.路底)


1. 姓名:
2. Email:
3. 學院:
4. 參加人數:





Dear Friends,

Your kind attendance is sincerely requested to join us for the 2007 HROCC Welcome Reception on 09/15/2007. Please come to meet new friends as well as old friends, and share authentic Chinese homemade cuisine. Come and taste the flavor of family and warmth!

Time: 6:00pm, 09/15/2007.
Venue: 22 Divinity Ave., Harvard University Herbaria Seminar Room, Cambridge, MA 02138 (at the end at Divinity Ave.).
Fee: Free to Members and Friends of HROCC, others $10/person. You can pay the membership fee $10/person to become a Member (as Harvard students) or a Friend (post-docs, visiting scholars, alumni, non-Harvard students, etc.)of HROCC. Friends from neighbor schools are welcome to join us as well!

Please email us the following information to register:

1. Name:
2. Email:
3. School:
4. Number of attendee(s):

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at

This activity is honorably sponsored by the Cultural Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston.
