Tuesday, August 19, 2008

轉寄: Arrival Shopping

Hi 大家好,
暑假就快要過去了。同學會打算在9/6 星期六早上舉辦Arrival Shopping,帶新生去Gateway shopping center (Everett, MA)採購。舊生當然也歡迎參加,不過看車子的數量多寡,以新生優先。我們需要幾個有車的同學幫忙carpool帶大家過去,同學會同時會租小貨車搬運東西。我們將對參加的同學每人酌收五塊錢(司機除外),以支付油錢以及小貨車租金。希望能夠幫忙開車的同學能夠email給我,也希望想參加的新舊生在8/30以前跟我聯絡。謝謝。

集合時間:9/6 星期六早上十點
地點:哈佛燕京圖書館後停車場(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)
費用:每人 $ 5
請於8/30 以前email 給 Renee (msher@fas.harvard.edu)

Dear members of HTSA and HROCC
It's toward the end of the summer vacation. The HTSA and HROCC are hosting
arrival shopping on Saturday, September 6th. New students and old students are
all welcome. Depending on the number of cars available, we will give the new
students the priority to get a ride to Gateway shopping center, Everett, MA. A
U-Haul truck will be there to pick up bigger items. Therefore, we will charge 5
dollars per person, except the drivers, to cover the gas and U-Haul rental. We
need volunteers with cars to help out. Please contact Renee by August 30th if
you can be a driver or if you want a ride to go shopping. Thanks!

Time: 10:00 am, September 6th.
Location: the parking behind Yenching library (2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)
$ 5 per person
Email Renee at msher@fas.harvard.edu by Aug 30th


Renee Sher 佘孟儒

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